salam alykom

my sisters and brothers
now we will know in cha allah
the tag question...
let's go ...we ask allah to help us
What is a tag question?

A tag question is a short question added to the end of a positive or negative statement

For example:-

He is,

isn't he?

He does,

doesn't he?

He will,

won't he?

He can,

can't he?

How are they formed?

Normally a positive statement is followed by a negative tag, and a negative statement is followed by a positive tag.
For example:-

You're English ,aren't you

You're not German, are you

! The statement and the tag are always separated by a comma
Treat any statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statements. !

The verb in the statement should be the same tense as the verb in the tag.

For example:-

You are a good singer,aren't you?
You didn't go to work yesterday,did you?
You have been to London,haven't you?

If the verb used in the statement is an
auxiliary verb, then the verb used in the tag must match it. If a
modal (can, could, will, should, etc.) is used in the statement, then
the same modal is used in the tag part. If the statement doesn't use
an auxilliary verb, then the auxiliary do is used in the tag part.
For example:-
She is from England,isn't she?
They aren't very nice,are they?
She doesn't like it here,does she?

You can sing,can't you?
They shouldn't do that,should they?

He eats meat,doesn't he?(He does eat meat...)
He had a bath,didn't he?(He did have a bath...)
Nothing happened,did it?(Nothing did happen...)

Why do we use them?

Tag questions are used to verify or check information that we think is
true or to check information that we aren't sure is true. Sometimes we
just use them for effect, when we are trying to be sarcastic, or to
make a strong point. So be sure to use them with care.
We show the meaning of the tag question through intonation.
If the tag is a real question it has a rising intonation.

see you in the other lesson
in the protection of Allah